The other night at enrichment we were all saying how we've been behind on blogging so I thought it was about time I catch up a little. I normally like to blog when I have some pictures so sometimes that's why I don't blog. This time I don't have that as an excuse because I have plenty of pictures, I've just been lazy, well just busy I guess!
First of all here's a little clip of Hadley laughing, she's so cute! I was talking to my sister and her family on skype the other day and my niece said, "Hadley has elf ears." I just laughed, I love my kids little ears, I love things that add character.
Madison turned 7, Dec 3rd. I can't believe that I have a 7 year old, that is just nuts. She wanted a MP3 player for her birthday so we got her a little pink one. She seems like she's too young to want an MP3 player but I guess when I was her age I had a walk man, I remember thinking that was pretty cool. We also gave her the new barbie Christmas movie which we've already watched about 5 times. We went out to eat at Fazoli's with Steve's Mom, Tre, Kaylie and Rod for her birthday, she loves the alfredo there and can eat about 2-3 helpings. Afterwards Sherisse came over to our house to give Maddie her present, a cool game called Hyper Dash, the kids all had to have a turn with that. Earlier in the day we had gone to the toy store so she could spend her birthday money from her Auntie Fay. She ended up getting a tinkerbell barbie and Oliver and Lilly barbies from the Hannah Montana show, pretty good for only $20, (she's learnt to be a good bargain hunter like me). My Mom also gave her some money so we went the next day and got her this nice big keyboard. She has wanted to take piano lessons but we haven't started yet so I'm going to try and teach her a little. It came with a book so we've done a little bit already, she's so cute, she wants to learn all the time. She really is a lovely girl and is always so helpful, well maybe not always but most of the time. She loves to help with Hadley and I love that too, she's such a good girl and I feel blessed to be her Mom. I'm just nervous about her getting older, I hope she keeps being a nice girl to everyone. This past Sunday one of the girls from the other ward came up to me and told me how impressed she was with Maddie because she was so nice to her son at school. That made me feel so happy to know she's being nice to others, I guess I'm doing something right even though I feel like I'm all over the place most days. I love you Maddie, you're the BEST!