Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Where does the time go?

So yesterday I went to pick up the kids pictures from JCPenny. When I got home I put some of the new pictures up and they looked so lovely. Afterwards I went to put the older pictures I had taken out away and realised all the other pictures weren't very organised. So yesterday afternoon I spent about an hour going through all the pictures getting them all in order.

While doing this it got me thinking how fast time goes by. It was funny to look back at pictures of all the kids when they were babies and think how so many things have changed since then. Even just with Spencer, him being 2 now, he's so different and is getting so big!

Maddie was such a happy baby and little girl, she loved playing with her baby sister, pushing Syd around in her doll stroller. Now she's 6 going on 16 and thinks she knows pretty much everything but most of the time she's a great helper to me. It's crazy to think that in just over a year and a half she'll be 8 and getting baptised!

Sydney was a beautiful baby with lovely big eyes. She was so calm until she turned 1 and then she was all over the place, climbing on everything. Nothing has changed since then, she's still all over the place and pretty much does as she pleases, in her own world most of the time but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Spencer is our little man. He was and still is so handsome, he's always had a look of Peter and Steve which is really nice, especially those days he looks like Peter, it's a great reminder. Lately he's realised that he can do lots of things so he thinks he can do whatever he wants and isn't afraid to say no. He talks so much and is getting so big, he's such a boy and likes to get his sisters. I told them that one day he would be big enough to get them back when they tease him and now they're finally realising that's true.

Anyway, just looking at those pictures made me think how fast time goes and that I really need to treasure every moment I have with the kids because before I know it they'll be in high school and be super busy all the time and then they'll be off and married, CRAZY! I feel so blessed to be a Mom and have the chance to have children, it's the greatest blessing ever. How thankful I am my children are healthy and strong, they maybe crazy at times and drive me crazy at times too but I love them and would never be without them, they're the best!


Renee' P said...

I am so blessed to be a mother too. It's such a miracle either way you get to become a mother. That's so good of you to stop and count your blessings. You are blessed to be able to bring all of your children into this world. You sound like a fantastic Mom!

Nat said...

Hey Zoe! I found your blog through Arin's; hope you don't mind if I link up to it on my blog. I was just looking through our old photos of when our boys were born the other day-I thought the same thing about how time flies, and how lucky I am to have them!