So as I was taking the garbage out today I saw some broken red glass on the floor by where the garbage goes. Now this either could have been a coincidence that someone had broken their break lights right there or it indeed was me! This takes me back to last week!!!
Last week was pretty nuts but also was a very fun week. Here's s snippet of my week. Tuesday Steve was meant to fly out to Seattle but just after the plane took off they realised something was wrong with the plane so they had to land again. That was the beginning to the fun, I had to load all the kids up and go and get Steve and then take him to work. Then I rushed to get Syd to school followed by rushing to the store to get the food for our wards RS Birthday dinner. It wouldn't have been that bad but when I saw the price of the food we wanted to cook I knew we wouldn't be able to do that so after going to a few stores I went home to try and figure out what we could cook. With help from my mother in law and Trudy we figured out what to make so that night after I picked Steve up from work we went to the store to buy some ham but Sams didn't have any so we quickly went to Winco to get some.
Now here comes the part about the broken red glass. Trudy wanted a musical number for the RS Birthday so I said I would do it because I wanted to pick a song that would go with the theme and we didn't have long to practise. I asked my good friend Natalie to play for me, poor girl, I ask her all the time but it's because I know she's SUPER talented! Anyway we got home from the grocery store, I had some cereal for dinner and I left early so I could deliver a couple of invitations for the dinner before I went to the church to practise singing. I was rushing so I backed out really fast and SMACK!!! I backed right into the garbage, how lovely!? I checked the car and it seemed fine but I was mistaken! I just called Steve to have him confirm and yes, I had smashed the break light glass, joy of joys!!!
Isn't it lovely when things like this happen!? It's a good job I'm the kind of person that just gets on with life even though it's crazy at times. That doesn't mean I don't get stressed and frustrated, you can just ask my husband Steve about that, I'm sure he could tell you what I'm really like behind closed doors, hahaha! Anyway just thinking about all those things and the many other things that happen all the time like Spencer drawing all over the wood in the kitchen or getting bright orange stamps all over the wall in his bedroom. It just makes me realise that there might be crazy nuts things that go in our lives but it's those things that remind us of how unimportant those things really are.
Yeah, our homes might be a mess sometimes, we might smash out break lights or smack our heads on the steering wheel while reaching down for something, (yes that happened last Tuesday too)! But aren't we glad we have the kids that make those messes and sometimes drive us nuts. Aren't we glad we have a car to drive in even though I smashed into the garbage and it has a super glued side mirror from when I smashed that into the garage last year! How blessed we really are. If we just take the time to really think about what matters most and how silly it is sometimes when we get mad or frustrated about such unimportant THINGS! I am not good at doing this at all but I'm trying and trying is what matters most too. I really do love my life, I have amazing friends and family and a lovely house to live in and a nice car to drive, a husband that loves me and has a job that lets us eat nice food and be clothed. HOW BLESSED I AM!!!
The BEST decision I EVER made!
13 years ago
You know, you could have called me and said, "I'm having the worst day ever! I can't practice!" and I would have been totally fine with that. Enrichment went really well, and you have such a gorgeous voice. Thanks for singing that song in YW's, too. I have a hard time realizing it's just STUFF that I get so angry about when my kids ruin it.
very true, i am glad youposted this. Oh,and I also backed into something this week, shame it was my sister in laws to be car! Luckily there was no damage.. i think!
You have the best attitude! I have a problem backing into things myself. I didn't mean to copy you but I have the same template on my blog! Thanks for all our hard work in R.S. you guys are incredible.
so true. I love when I can take time to appreciate how blessed I am. (I figured out how to get to your comments link, my computer is being weird.) anyways... you are invited to a super fun scrap book retreat in april... spread the word, all are invited. check my blog for more details.
That is all so true! Some times I think it would be nice to go to work, but then when I think about leaving my girls, I'm so happy I get to stay home with them. It's a good thing, not all weeks or days are like that, right?
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