Thursday, March 26, 2009


Sydney is such a funny, crazy, free spirited, wild, hilarious, cute, beautiful little girl! There's never a dull moment with her around. She always has so much energy and always wants to do everything. It's no wonder she is such an amazing sleeper and doesn't wake up until about 10-11am. She's always been a kid that is all over the place and just does her own thing and doesn't even think about what's going on around her. She's not shy whatsoever which is good but sometimes not so good.

This leads me to a couple of funny stories about Syd. The other week Steve's sister Trish blessed her new little baby Kue. All of her husband Benny's family came up for the blessing so we were all looking forward to the yummy Tongan feast we were going to have. While people were coming in Syd greeted this one family by saying, "and here's the Hawaiian people." She's such a nut. Then while we were in Utah this weekend we were walking into the mall and we were talking about how nice the weather was and she said, "is so beautiful here, and there's Chinese people and beautiful people." Steve and I thought it was hilarious. She truly has no qualms about saying whatever is on her mind, she even asked Grandma Johnson if she was going to die soon because she was old. At least Grandma thought that was funny!

Yesterday I was on the computer and I could hear Sydney coming and she said, "Mom, look what's in my back pack." She then came in the room with Hadley sitting in her back pack looking like she was wondering what on earth was going on.

I really do love this little girl though. She might be goofy sometimes and say funny/crazy things but my life wouldn't be as fun as it is without her. She's so beautiful and has the biggest smile. I used to worry about Syd a lot when she was smaller because she was so all over the place, I thought she would get lost somewhere or get run over because she would just be that all over the place. As she's getting older she's growing into such a lovely little girl and is so kind, well most of the time unless she's getting mad at Spencer. She's so protective of her things and gets so upset if she thinks she did something wrong or if you do something that would hurt her feelings. She collects the craziest things and right now LOVES diamonds. She even asked the guy at the jewelry store if she could have the big display diamond that they had. She likes the big diamonds, I told her she would have to tell her husband that.

Ahh, I love this girl, she's the BEST!!!


jo said...

what a cutie! she is so much fun. i love that picture of hadley in the backpack.

Nat said...

Life will never be dull at your house, that's for sure! She's a cutie, no wonder Jake likes to draw pictures for her!

Hilary G. said...

That is a cute picture with Hadley in the backpack. What a silly girl!

Miranda said...

Love the things she said, especially to Grandma, to funny. Hadley makes a cute addition to the back pack. Your trip to Utah looked like a blast!

Whitney said...

Syd has always known where I keep the candy bowl, and she gets right up on the cupboard to check it out - well one time I told her it was empty and Syd was not to be convinced it was without looking and re looking! does Grandma Johnson still keep treats in her sweater pocket at church? Syd used to like everything except the black jelly beans!

julie said...

Hey, I like the big diamonds too! I just wish we could afford them.