Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm finished!

I've been wanting to buy some wood saws for a long time so I can make wood crafts. I got compound/chop saw towards the beginning of the year but last month I finally got a scroll saw so I've been really excited!

The other week I cut out some wood to make some fun crafts and I finally got round to painting them today, well 2 of them. I still have some owls that I need to paint aswell. Anyway I was over at Trudy's house a couple of weeks ago and I saw she had this really cute witch so I got way excited and wanted to make one. I copied the pattern and got all the stuff and ta-daa!
I've been sketching a bunch more things too and this was one of them. There are tons of other Halloween things I wanted to make aswell but it's already too far into October so I'll have to save them for next year. YAY for my new saws, I'm so excited!!!


Layton Mom said...

They turned out great! Now I am jealous.

jo said...

good job! your house is always so cutely decorated.

Janae -- Thoughts in Vinyl said...

Those are so cute! One day I want a scroll saw...but I am sure Jay will think I need to open the band saw first (he bought it for me almost 4 years ago and it is still in the box...due to a bad super saturday experience!!)