I can't believe my baby is already 1, it's goes by too fast!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
1 already!!!
Posted by Zoe at 3:57 PM 3 comments
Happy man!
So, it's taken me almost a week but I'm finally blogging about Steve's birthday. Last Saturday he turned 30! I had been so excited for that day to finally come because last year some time I thought of the best present to get for him. Lots of my friends and family knew and they kept it a secret too so thanks for that. Anyway the day finally came and I was able to tell him what his present was, YAY!!!
After all the kids woke up I told Steve to wait in our room so we could get ready. I dressed the kids up in some of Steve's BYU shirts and I let the kids hold a big D and a fence sign I had made the night before. Spencer had his build a bear turtle too because his name is Cosmo and he has a BYU shirt aswell. After we all got ready we called Steve in and the kids started saying, D-Fence and go BYU (I think Spencer was actually saying go DYU but oh well)! At first I think Steve was a little confused but then he got it, well kind of. He had to ask whether it was tickets to a game or season tickets. When I told him it was season tickets, he said, "really?" It was so fun to see his reaction as he loves BYU football. YAY for great surprises!!!The only bad thing about Steve's birthday was that his Mom got in a car accident with Tre and Kaylie in the car. Luckily they were all ok, Sherisse did break her hand so that wasn't too good but thankfully they were all safe. That made our day pretty chilled out and then that night we went on a date to Texas Roadhouse which was fun and yummy!
Steve really is an amazing man. He works so hard to provide for our family and he's such a great husband and father. I complain sometimes when he comes home late from work but when I really think about it, I'm so glad he works so hard because it's enabled him to keep his job through so many layoffs. I really do feel lucky to have married someone that loves me so much and puts up with my grumpiness. My kids adore him and so do I. Thanks for being you, we all love you VERY much Poopy, hahaha!
Posted by Zoe at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Just thinking!
I have other things I need to blog about but I was just sitting here chatting on facebook to one of my friends and looking at pictures of another friend and her new baby and I started to think about how lucky I am to have such amazing friends and such an amazing life. Sometimes there are days when I have a little pity party for myself but truthfully there really is no reason. Even though I may think life sucks sometimes, that there's too many things to clean, pick up, organise or too much laundry to do. Those things really don't matter and I should be glad I have a house to clean and things to put away and organise and clothes to wash.
You know I really am lucky. I have so much to be grateful for. My family is crazy and all over the place at times but I wouldn't have it any other way. My house is a mess sometimes but it can be cleaned. My kids are healthy and smart. My husband has a job. I have the most amazing family, neighbours, friends and ward. There are too many friends to name but you know who you are. You make living away from my family so much easier so thank you for that. I really never thought I would be able to find friends here like the friends I had in England but you're all AMAZING and I love you so much. Thank you for your friendships and for putting up with your crazy English friend and all the nuts things I say and do.
Also how lucky am I to have married into such an amazing family who loves my little family. I love living by Steve's family and doing things with them. I love just going over to Gma and Gpa Johnson's house and letting them run around while I watch them enjoy catching bugs and checking out the garden. Last night Gpa was taking Syd and Spencer everywhere with him on his new little golf cart. I had an enrichment BBQ and Steve was helping but as I looked to see what the kids were doing, Gpa had them loaded up with him, taking them to help him with his jobs. Thank you for loving my kids so much and being such great examples to them. My in laws are the best too, they are always so willing to help with whatever we need. I feel bad for those people who don't have wonderful in laws, mine are FANTASTIC. My mother in law always drops everything when I have my babies, my kids and me just love her so much. I really did luck out when it comes to in laws, sorry if you didn't, hahaha! Steve's family are all just the best!!! And what would I do without Trudy. You're the best, you would do anything for me and my family. I know it makes it easier on my Mom knowing that I have her and Sherisse here, my 2 Mom's here to watch after me. Thank you Trudy for loving me and my children, words are never enough to explain how much we love you.
Then today I got to speak to my Mom on the phone, I really love her. She's such an amazing woman, so strong and has gone through so much in her life but is still there for me whenever I need her. My Dad is equally amazing, he's also been through so much and now continues to go through so much with him having cancer and now recovering from a crazy surgery. Thanks for being such good examples of strength and faith to me and my children. I can't wait for them to come here for Maddie's baptism, it's going to be the best. I love my sister Ruth so much too, I love when she calls me and even though we both woffle on and talk about the most crazy things, it's the best. I would love to live by her, she's my best and most dear friend. I'm still wishing one day they'll all move over here, I have my fingers crossed. Then there's Nathan, he sure is cheeky but I know he would do anything for me. What an amazing big brother he is, such a strong testimony and another wonderful example of strength and faith after so many trails. I LOVE YOU ALL BANDITS!!!
Of course I can't leave out my wonderful little family. As I was looking at my friends pictures on facebook of her new little baby, it made me think about all my kids and what an amazing miracle it is to be able to have my children. Each one is so special and unique and I would never want my crazy life to be anything but crazy. There are days I'm totally worn out and I can't be bothered to do anything but those days pass and then my kids will say or do something that makes it all worth it. My kids are the best, nuts but the best. I guess with a Mom like me I shouldn't expect anything but a little nuts because I am too, hahaha! I have the most amazing husband too but I'll talk about him another time. It's his birthday on Saturday so I'll write about him then. He really is amazing and I love him so much. I'm so lucky to have found someone who loves me so much and is such an amazing father, friend and husband.
I really am SOOO LUCKY! As I said before, life is crazy sometimes but don't we need a little crazy every now and again. What more do we really need than friends and a family who love us and are there for us whenever we need them so thank you, you're all THE BEST and I love you all SOOO MUCH!!!
Posted by Zoe at 8:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Youth Jam
Today we went down to the youth jam that they have by the river every summer. Poor Trudy was in charge this year again so she's been going nuts trying to get everything ready. It was all well worth it though because my kids had a wonderful time. Sherisse (my mother in law) came with me which was so nice of her as I'm sure it's not something she was really wanting to do desperately. There's always so many crafts to do but we try and skip a few just because there are so many. Getting the kids faces painted was one of my high lights of the afternoon. The girl who was painting Syd's face asked her what she wanted so Syd went into great detail to tell her exactly how she wanted it. Then as soon as she was done she kept adding all these things on to her list, it was so funny. Then it was Spencer's turn and he told the lady he wanted a transformer, the lady wasn't quite sure what to do for that so she quickly asked him if he wanted a snake which he ended up being ok with. The kids did tons of crafts, Spencer loved being able to use the scissors and squirt the glue all over the place. Maddie used lots of great detail in her pictures, when we went back to get one of her pictures we couldn't find it and she got so sad. Luckily Syd asked about it and the lady had it in a box because some of the pictures were blowing away, what a life saver! Syd was in heaven, I think she could have stayed there all day if we would have let her. We had to drag her away from each station poor thing. There was lots of painting which equaled lots of mess but it's all good. It's so nice that they put these free things on for the kids, the love it. The night before they had a community night at the same place so we went there too, it was lots of fun as well. Everything was free and there was tons of cool stuff. Brad (my father in law) was working there too with the fire men so it was nice to see him there. What a great event, the kids loved it so thanks for all the hard work Trudy and everyone else who put these wonderful events together, it was GREAT!!!
Posted by Zoe at 8:13 PM 1 comments
Great deals!
Yesterday I went to Walmart with my mother in law and sister in law. We actually weren't all going to go but we decided to brave it with all the kids and we, especially me were so glad we did. As we were walking in we saw all this furniture on sale so we started to check it out. It was all there old display furniture and there was some really good stuff. I saw this this really nice entertainment center and it was only $25. I had been wanting one for downstairs but I really didn't want to spend more that $100 and that's how much they cost. I told the lady I wanted the entertainment center and I said I wouldn't mind this other desk either but I didn't want to pay $50 for it. The manager was there and he asked how much I would pay so I said $25 and he said ok, I was so happy. He then said that there was a little file cabinet that went with it and wondered how much I would pay for that. I was a little cheeky and said I would pay $30 for both, he then said, what about $35 for both so I said sure! I was so excited, what great deals. Trish got a side table too for only $10, the only hard thing was squeezing it all into our cars along with all our kids. That night we put the entertainment center downstairs, it looks so nice. Now we just need to finish the craft room so I can put my desk in there, YAY for bargains!!!
Posted by Zoe at 7:51 PM 3 comments
So cute, well some of the time!
This little man really does have me wrapped around his finger. He's my only boy and him looking a little like Peter aren't the best combination for a sucker like me! He really is a lovely boy and I love him so much but there are times I think, what have I done wrong, he's NUTS!!! Last week he fell asleep on the couch and he looked so cute and innocent, (don't mind all the nice stains on the couch from my kids peeing, drooling, spilling and boggies). So many people have told me that boys are easier than girls but at this point in time, I beg to differ. His new favourite word is idiot, he knows it's a bad word but some how just can't control himself from saying it. Anyway I just thought this was a super cute picture. I really do love him so much and even though there are many times he makes me go crazy, I would never trade him for anything. I'm just hoping one day he'll be that easy boy that everyone tells me about, then it will all be worth it!
Posted by Zoe at 7:39 PM 2 comments