Thursday, August 6, 2009

So cute, well some of the time!

This little man really does have me wrapped around his finger. He's my only boy and him looking a little like Peter aren't the best combination for a sucker like me! He really is a lovely boy and I love him so much but there are times I think, what have I done wrong, he's NUTS!!! Last week he fell asleep on the couch and he looked so cute and innocent, (don't mind all the nice stains on the couch from my kids peeing, drooling, spilling and boggies). So many people have told me that boys are easier than girls but at this point in time, I beg to differ. His new favourite word is idiot, he knows it's a bad word but some how just can't control himself from saying it. Anyway I just thought this was a super cute picture. I really do love him so much and even though there are many times he makes me go crazy, I would never trade him for anything. I'm just hoping one day he'll be that easy boy that everyone tells me about, then it will all be worth it!


Shera said...

Oh man I love our little boys! Thank goodness you have Spencer, I adore him.

Nat said...

So cute! We totally have those jammies.