Yesterday I went to Walmart with my mother in law and sister in law. We actually weren't all going to go but we decided to brave it with all the kids and we, especially me were so glad we did. As we were walking in we saw all this furniture on sale so we started to check it out. It was all there old display furniture and there was some really good stuff. I saw this this really nice entertainment center and it was only $25. I had been wanting one for downstairs but I really didn't want to spend more that $100 and that's how much they cost. I told the lady I wanted the entertainment center and I said I wouldn't mind this other desk either but I didn't want to pay $50 for it. The manager was there and he asked how much I would pay so I said $25 and he said ok, I was so happy. He then said that there was a little file cabinet that went with it and wondered how much I would pay for that. I was a little cheeky and said I would pay $30 for both, he then said, what about $35 for both so I said sure! I was so excited, what great deals. Trish got a side table too for only $10, the only hard thing was squeezing it all into our cars along with all our kids. That night we put the entertainment center downstairs, it looks so nice. Now we just need to finish the craft room so I can put my desk in there, YAY for bargains!!!
The BEST decision I EVER made!
13 years ago
That's wonderful! *sigh* I love getting new furniture.
I want to know how Nat has the time to post on every single comment for everyone! Those are some great deals, they look great, good job!
SWEET deal!
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