So Spencer is still learning to go potty, he does really well at church because he thinks it's fun to go out of sacrament meeting or nursery. He also loves to pee outside so he does well then too. I'm not too worried about him totally getting it straight away but this morning we had a lovely experience.
Last night Steve had told me that Spencer had peed standing up (inside the house this time). I didn't think too much of it but this morning I told him to go potty and off he went. Next thing I know he's coming back into the living room walking funny and then I see why. He had poop all over his legs so I quickly took him back to the bathroom.
He had decided to pee standing up again but at the same time decided to go poop so there was a nice pile of poop on the floor. Not the nicest thing you want to hear about but it was pretty funny. I couldn't really get mad at him because he was trying and just wanted to pee like a big boy. I just told him he had to sit on the potty when he went poop.
I guess this is just another prime example of how different boys are to girls. I would normally get a bit frustrated about finding poop on the floor but it was so funny, it's funny how your kids doing naughty things really do make you laugh. I love being a Mom, it's the BEST! I might get stressed with my kids sometimes but they always find ways of making me laugh, who ever thought poop on the floor would make you laugh though?
The BEST decision I EVER made!
13 years ago
My kids do frustrating things that are funny, too! Sometimes it's both at the same time; sometimes I'm frustrated at first but thinking back on it it's funny. You have so much more patience than I do with potty training! I haven't even started Brock yet because every time I think about it I remember how awful it was with Jakob!
Your posts crack me up. I was laughing in church when I hear him yell in "MOM I NEED TO GO PEE, I NEED TO GO POO POO!" What a cutie he is and I agree that it's so great being a mom even when they are naughty.
Ha, Ha, poop on the floor makes me laugh too. We haven't started with Landen potty training you know. He knows when he does go in a diaper and goes to the bathroom and either lays on the floor or else he flushes the toilet and hangs out until I come in. But he takes his diaper off every morning first thing. The other morning Jason was upstairs with him and was heading out the door and happen to say, Landen doesn't have a diaper hun. I looked at him and said you better run cuz he needs to go. When he go upstairs there was pooh in the hall! Thank goodness for wood floors and tile! But I can relate !
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