Madison's top right tooth has been lose for a while and last night she decided to let me pull it out. I was kind of shocked because the last two times she's been nervous about it. We were at Sherisse's house and everyone was over for dinner so I was worried she was going to start freaking out in front of everyone but she didn't even cry, well not at first. I pulled it and it didn't come out, it was kind of hanging there so she wanted to go and look at it. Then we all went into the bathroom and I pulled the rest out, (I have to do it because Steve won't). She did so well but then we said it looked funny so she looked and started to cry. The gum part that is inside the tooth was kind of hanging down so it freaked her out until Grandpa came and told her it was okay. Anyway I was so proud of her for doing so well. It does make her look a bit different though without one of her top teeth. She's getting so big, her new hair doo and now losing her tooth, it's crazy how fast time is going, she'll be 7 in Dec, that's CRAZY! Tonight she gets to put it under her pillow case because last night she stayed over at Sherisse's (Grandma's) and we told her the tooth fairy wouldn't be able to find her there.
The BEST decision I EVER made!
13 years ago
Goodness I feel queasy just reading about your childs tooth coming out I'll be in trouble when my turn comes around.
I think she looks so cute with her front tooth missing.
I think she looks great! Tell her I think she's brave!
Gosh, Hailey hasn't even lost her first tooth yet! I am so excited for her to start losing teeth. Maddie looks great!
Crazy! Jakob already has his 6-year-old molars in, and he'll only be 5 in a couple of weeks! I wonder if that means he'll start losing teeth earlier. When I was younger my dad had to pull my teeth, and then I started doing it on my own. She's dang cute.
I'm very squeamish when it comes to this kind of thing. I can't even bear to look when a kid wiggles a loose tooth. Mac's going to have to be the one in our house to pull teeth when the time comes.
isn't it funny how moms always have to do that kind of thing and dads lots of times won't? like my husband, he won't give the kids medicine (unless i beg,) i was the one holding them for their shots, anything like that he won't do. i told him it's not fair because they're going to associate me with all the painful times in their lives, but oh well. someone's gotta buck up and do it. i'll probably be pulling the teeth too. so that just made me laugh that you did it.
maddie looks great! hooray for the tooth fairy!
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