Well we went to the doctors this evening, ready to get the baby turned but the little but head wouldn't move. The doctor tried 3 times to turn the baby but the bum was too wedged in so it wouldn't budge. (By the way it wasn't too painful but who knows what it would have felt like if the baby would have turned). So I will definitely be getting a c-section this time which I'm not way excited about but as long as the baby is healthy I can't complain. He said that he'll schedule the c-section for when I'm 39 weeks. The only other way I'll be earlier than that is if I go into labour or my water breaks so I say, bring it on! I'm so ready to be done, plus I'm really hoping we'll have this little one before my family leave so if you have any tricks to go into labour let me know because I'm willing to try everything and anything.
The BEST decision I EVER made!
13 years ago
I have heard spicy food works, long walks , i was sanding a week before i was due & it did nothing !!! That's all the answers i have .
Hope the baby comes soon. Rachael
Making the baby come early...Ha. Ha. Ha. I ran up and down Old Main Hill at USU, and Pete and I speed walked all over the hilly campus there when I was pregnant with Jakob. Didn't do a dang thing. It just made my stomach super tight for a few hours. The night before I had Brock, though, I took a warm relaxing bath, but I tried that with Troy and no luck.
I've heard caster oil (never tried it), but it gives you the runs, so if you want to be doubly miserable, try that! :)
It's my belief that a baby comes when it's good and ready, and there's nothing a mom can really do to move it along, except be induced.
Good luck with whatever ends up happening!
Oh, I'm sorry to hear they weren't able to turn the baby. I know you really didn't want to have a C-section again. Hopefully you can go into labor early on your own while your family is here (by the way I have no tricks in that department). If you end up having wait make sure you call me if you nead anything.
I dont' know if your doctor uses these, but with my c-section they put this little patch on the incision. It has a small battery like a watch battery and it sends little electric impulses to the incision area. My doctor has been using them for the last few months and all the c-section patients have been up and walking in 1-2 days and recovery time is much speedier. She learned about them in her residency in chicago. I am not sure what they are called but I am sure he could call Dr. Merrill at Rosemark and she would share the info. The nurses at Mt. View hospital swear by them. I do to!
Bummer that your baby wasn't cooperating! Hopefully you will go into labor soon and be done!
The day I went into labor I had eatten pepper jack cheese (something spicey) and then the caster oil. I was done with being pregant. My water broke a couple hours after taking it and had the baby a couple hours later. (But like someone else said you get the runs and need to be near a bathroom)
I am so sorry that the baby didn't turn! I am not one to ask about going into labor because I have never actually gone into labor without being induced. I always tried everything from bumpy car rides to spicy food to bedroom olympics. Good luck!
Oh hun... we need a "don't bother me night" together before these babies are born! From a nurses point of view careful trying to make it happen..everyone tells me to jump on the tramp because I so understand how you feel right now..but I worry that the cord will be short or pull the placenta away and I don't want that worry.. hang in there.. "it's never as bad as we think it is." Pray.. I'm getting tired of it...but it's my only hope.. I'm not even dilating.
The only trick I've heard of is castor oil too. I've never tried because all mine have been c-sections. I do hope that you get to have the baby before your family leaves though.
Zoe I tried the castor oil and it did not work at all. It just makes you go to the bathroom all day!I feel for you and I hope you have the baby soon!
It's funny to hear what everybody says works to make you go into labor. Somebody should make a video of women trying these things, it would be funny. We get pretty desperate to be done there at the end huh? I had Ella 4 weeks early and I was anxious about 4 weeks prior to that so I cannot imagine what it must be like going full term.
I heard having your feet rubbed will make you go into labor. It's sounds a lot more pleasant than some of these other things and may be worth a try. I don't really know why it would work?? but a good excuse to get pampered
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